School uniform is compulsory throughout the school and may be purchased from Threads store in Times Square Mall, Sheikh Zayed Road, Shop No 91 on ground floor, Dubai.
Times Square Mall : +971 43964837
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.threadsme.com
Please visit Threads Online Store for further information and to view samples of the uniform.
Foundation Stage
- GEMS JPS shorts
- Blue polo shirt with GEMS JPS logo
- Blue ankle socks
- Black shoes (no trainers)
- Navy blue pullover with GEMS JPS logo (seasonal)
- Navy blue jacket with GEMS JPS logo (seasonal)
- House colour GEMS JPS hat.
Years 1 to 6
- GEMS JPS blue tie
- GEMS JPS shorts
- White short sleeve shirt with GEMS JPS logo
- Blue ankle socks
- Black shoes (no trainers)
- Navy blue pullover with GEMS JPS logo (seasonal)
- Navy blue jacket with GEMS JPS logo (seasonal)
- House colour GEMS JPS hat.
Foundation Stage
- GEMs JPS skort
- Blue polo shirt with GEMS JPS logo
- White ankle socks
- Black shoes (no trainers)
- Navy blue pullover with GEMS JPS logo (seasonal)
- Navy blue jacket with GEMS JPS logo (seasonal)
- House colour GEMS JPS hat
- Navy blue or GEMS JPS tartan hair bands and hair ties.
Years 1 to 6
- GEMS JPS tartan necktie.
- GEMS JPS skort
- White short sleeve blouse with GEMS JPS logo
- White ankle socks
- Black shoes (no trainers)
- Navy blue pullover with GEMS JPS logo (seasonal)
- Navy blue jacket with GEMS JPS logo (seasonal)
- Navy blue or GEMS JPS tartan hair bands and hair ties
- House colour GEMS JPS hat
PE Kit
Boys and Girls
- Blue canvas shorts
- White GEMS JPS polo shirt with GEMS JPS logo (house colours)
- GEMS JPS hat (house colours)
- White sports ankle socks
- White plimsoles or velcro trainers (no laces) for Foundation Stage
- White trainers for Years 1-6.
Swimming Kit Boys/Girls
Navy blue boys jammer with GEMS JPS logo (house colours). Swimming goggles are recommended and a swim cap in the correct house colour is compulsory. A towel is also necessary. Flip-flops are also required for the poolside.
Navy blue one-piece swimsuit with GEMS JPS logo (house colours). Swimming goggles are recommended and a swim cap in the correct house colour is compulsory. Long hair must be tied back. A towel is also necessary. Flip-flops are also required for the poolside.
- GEMS JPS school rucksack
- GEMS JPS swimming bag
- GEMS JPS book bag (fits into rucksack to keep books safe)
- Snack box – preferably an insulated cooler bag that must fit into the GEMS JPS rucksack
Please Note:
- Shoulder length hair or longer must be securely tied back.
- Hair must be a natural colour and without ‘hair art’
- When children are outside, hats must be worn.
- Jewellery, other than a wristwatch and stud earrings, is not permitted.
- Make-up and nail polish are not acceptable.
- Please ensure all items of clothing and personal possessions are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.
- Parents are politely requested to ensure that children’s school shoes, especially for the girls, are flat or have only the smallest heel.