Islamic Education
Vision of Islamic department
The vision of Islamic education presented here makes a fundamental distinction between teaching about "Islam" and teaching about "being Muslim." The goal of Islamic education is not to simply fill students’ minds with information about Islam, but rather to teach them about being a Muslim.
The Mission
The mission of Islamic Education is to pursue excellence in teaching, research, and consultancy in the academic study of Islam and Muslims as an implementation of the vision for education and multiculturalism.
Islamic Education at GEMS Jumeirah Primary School
At GEMS Jumeirah Primary School, Islamic for Arabic Speakers (Islamic A) and Islamic for Non-Arabic Speakers (Islamic B) is taught to Muslim students.
In Year 2 to Year 4, children studying Islamic A have three 40-minute sessions weekly and Islamic B children have two 40-minute sessions weekly. Children in Year 5 to Year 6 studying Islamic A and Islamic B have two 40-minute sessions weekly.
Two dedicated Islamic specialist teachers, supported by teaching assistants, prepare and teach the Ministry of Education program for all our Muslim students in designated Islamic classrooms.
Through their Islamic Education, children increase their knowledge of Islam using the stories of prophets and learn about such things as the manners of living a Muslim's life, the five pillars of Islam and Islamic faith and morals, enabling them to effectively apply them to their contemporary lives. Religious occasions such as Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are observed so that children realise their importance and value.
As the Holy Quran builds the character and conscience of a true Muslim, the children are encouraged to respect and memorize the Holy Quran. School-organized competitions celebrate their achievements in Quran memorisation.